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Our weighted sensory vest is available in small and medium sizes, and is designed to fit snuggly around your child’s body. Weighted sensory vests provide a range of benefits for children who struggle with sensory issues. It is the perfect tool for children who have difficulty processing their sensory system. The added weight provides deep pressure input, which can have a calming and organizing effect on the body, helping children to feel more grounded and focused.

In addition to its sensory benefits, our vest is also incredibly versatile. It can be worn during a variety of activities, including in the classroom, during therapy sessions, or at home while doing homework or playing games. The vest is easy to put on and take off, and its adjustable straps ensure a comfortable fit for children of all sizes.

Our weighted sensory vest is made from high-quality materials and is built to last. We are confident that it will become an essential tool for children who struggle with sensory issues.  You will receive an informative guide along with the weighted sensory vest.  If possible, consult with an occupational therapist before use.

Product Sizes:

Small (Ages 3-4): 2lbs or .90kg

43cm Height x 30cm Width     

x4 bags (.25lbs) x2 bags (.5lbs)

 Medium (Ages 5-9): Currently Out of STOCK

45cm Height x 30cm Width

x2 bags (.25lbs) x2 bags (.5lbs) x2 bags (.75lbs)

Materials: 93% Polyester + 7% Spandex, 100% Steel Ball

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