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There are a lot of skills packed in this little game! Playing with the Bee Catch & Match is a great way for your child to build hand-eye coordination, grip strength, and finger dexterity. As they use the tongs to catch the little bees, they develop their pincer grasp, which is an important precursor to writing and other fine motor tasks.

Additionally, playing with the Bee Catch & Match can help develop their concentration and focus as they work on catching the bees with the tongs. Your child will be working on color recognition and matching as they catch the bees and put them back into the hive.  Our Bee Catch & Match is made of non-toxic wood and paint, ensuring your child's safety. 

Contains 1 set of tongs and 8 cute little bees. 

Product Size: 16.5x13.8cm

Material: Non-toxic wood and paint, plastic tong

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